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Picomig 355 puls

We deliver progress: innovative welding processes from EWM

As a technology leader, we have been involved in research and development for decades, making welding easier, more cost-effective, and especially more reliable. In doing so, we examine and analyze the complex interplay of individual components and parameters, thus optimizing the entire welding process.

  • GMAW pulsed welding and GMAW standard welding
  • Synergic characteristics for steel, CrNi, and aluminum
  • MMA welding and TIG lift arc welding
  • Perfect for welding self-shielding flux-cored wires
  • Infinitely adjustable arc dynamics (choke effect)
  • Synergic or manual welding operation
  • Non-latched/latched operation
  • Interval welding
  • Adjustable gas pre- and post-flow time
  • Portable, compact
  • Saves power through highly efficient performance
  • Robust casing suitable for construction site use