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Orbital Fusion TIG Welding

Since inception in 2002, ISI has been a premier provider of orbital welding solutions for the Food & Dairy, Brewing / Distilling Pharmaceutical, Semi-Conductor, Aerospace, and chemical processing industries.

With solutions from Arc Machines Inc., Magnatech, and AXXAIR in our rental fleet and available for purchase, we can bring off the shelf technology to your application and not just supply equipment but a well-rounded solution addressing the cut, prep and welding equipment you need to be successful.  Our technical staff can customize or modify equipment to perform welds that would not be “typical” orbital fusion welds.  We offer full support from installation, training, implementation, and ongoing support and repair services.

ISI can structure a lease to own or a financed purchase with terms that are flexible.  Contact us with your application and we will listen first, ask questions, and collaborate with you to find the right solution for you.